Value is a concept that can never be evaded or hidden, to obtain, you must give. With that, I begin this article. I based the title on the song “People Get Ready” written by Curtis Mayfield. Why? Because when you consider the central nature of courage, there really is no place for the desperate sinner who would hurt all of humanity just to “get his own way.” And I’ll take the rest of this article to explain my position and title on this topic. Courage is something you can never run from, nor can you run from the fact that you and anyone else have to support themselves in some way, even breathing on their own. Courage is not an extension of life, every productive action, even breathing properly for oneself, is valuable in many ways.

In life, honesty is required to live properly even in an irrational and irregular environment, especially in an irrational and irregular environment, where survival skills are most necessary. When I think of the song “People Get Ready” and certain lines in it, I see truths and honesty that I can base this entire article on, especially as my godfather Simon Chuckster (Charles Edward Simmons) used to say about it. song: “Life is your diesel, go through it like a diesel is your mission, be productive and move on the tracks. (then paused) Diesel doesn’t cheat, it just moves, and it does its thing productively and efficiently. “He was saying this as we watched the Santa Fe train run down the tracks through Compton, California one day while this same song was playing on the radio. In my opinion, being like that productive cargo-carrying diesel, whatever that is productively without skipping a track or anything, is the way to be. Therefore, I repeat what I said at the beginning of this article with a little flourish: value is a concept that can never be evaded or hidden, it can only be lived and lived. When the song I’m writing about says “faith is the keyhole that will open doors …”, faith means, in my genuinely educated opinion, being able to accept value and use it correctly, wherever it may be.

Read my other article on Street Smarts and Book Smarts for more details. In fact, life is only as good as the value you put into it and get from it, in that order. Any cheater, even if “successful,” is stupid and unrealistic, because the joyous experience of rational give and take of value is lost. When I created fully integrated honesty, I realized that this rational give and take in life is always necessary. If it weren’t, we’d see genuinely happy crooks from Richard M. Nixon and Charles Starkweather to Rod Blagoyavich (the governor of Illinois alive but besieged by dead political career) and Kenneth Lay (the dead Enron CEO with a life and scandal continued until the end of George W. Bush’s presidency). My point is, no matter how successful you are for a while, there is no such thing as a “happy thief”, in fact, consider it a genuine oxymoronic conundrum (or a contradiction in terms to use a little more understandable English). So if you have that kind of luggage, you don’t need value until you get rid of it. Meaning of luggage, guilty conscience and thief mentality. Honesty is how honesty is.

So, to be clear, you have to keep your noses clean with discipline, thought, prudence, and honest effort. Guilt, fear, “ups” and “downs” don’t help either of these efforts either. I don’t drink or smoke, although I did in my younger and less wise years. So that brings me to a point: Ayn Rand smoked, Jim Morrison drank and used drugs. I agree with many of your best and most ingenious thoughts on life, but bad habits like that can invariably nullify even the best of those endeavors, because if you don’t fully practice what you preach, then it doesn’t matter what you preach and how. Well, like Ayn Rand, you’re a wanderer of the graves or the sewers. I agree with what you said in your professional life as an Objectivist, and Jim Morrison, why did I include it? Because he had the correct idea that people should be able to think, act and live for themselves as long as it does not harm anyone and benefit others, and he made you think with his poetry. But if you have bad habits on a basic level, you end up in the gutter as a hypocrite anyway, because your words, actions, and realities don’t completely line up – in fact, that’s destructively mystical and unrealistic and doomed for all. security. thieves

Ayn Rand died of smoking-related illnesses in 1982 and Jim Morrison died in a bathtub after a heroin overdose in 1971. So I disagree with William Blake that “excess leads to the palace of wisdom,” but I agree with Ayn Rand that “life, to work, must be fully reasonable.” Oh, I am not saying that you are boring at all, I am not saying that you do not enjoy your life. I am just saying that you are completely honest with yourself ( how I am) about your life (how I am mine). Listen, I admit it, I practice what I preach, even at the most basic levels. I don’t drink excessively, I don’t smoke. And I’m sexually normal and monogamous (hey, I didn’t say virgin ) and I live by the honesty I preach. Or as they said of Malcolm X in the FBI, “he’s a monk.” But I’m not that monk, I just live genuinely sane. That’s all. I mentioned all of this because it’s important to genuinely practice what I do. you preach. I feel that, I know that, I am that. So while I’m sitting in the Masao W. Satow Library writing this article. I can honestly say, I love horse, diesel or whatever I’m riding, and wouldn’t ride any other.

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