No one can give you a guaranteed method to get your ex back. This is a very painful experience that I have been through personally, so if you are going through it, my heart goes out to you. While there are no guarantees that you will get your ex back, there are mistakes that most people make that make things worse. Because what you “feel” like doing is the last thing you should be doing. Being abandoned, especially when you didn’t see it coming, can be emotionally and psychologically traumatizing.

You must realize that you are psychologically wounded right now and at a great disadvantage. It is not your fault, but as long as you become aware of your state, you can gradually begin to move the situation in your favor. You have been rejected and this gives your ex the psychological advantage. For now!

First of all we are going to apply emergency first aid. If you are calling, texting, following, writing, emailing your ex, stop right now! This will only drive her further away from you. People want what they can’t have. If you pray you are dead. For! I know it is hard. You must control your emotions. This is important.

Now you have to change your mentality and get out of that hole you’ve dug for yourself. Don’t lock yourself in your room sleeping and crying 16 hours a day. Move. You have to force yourself to take the initiative. It will not be easy. Reach out to friends you may have neglected while in a relationship. Pick up the activities you stopped while you were with her. Do something for other people. Volunteer. Do things you love that you’ve had to put on hold before. Hey, you have a new freedom that you never had. Do not hesitate to start enjoying it. It won’t be perfect. You’ll still miss her, but you need to keep moving. Find a project. A goal. Leave. This is not a magic cure. You will still miss her and feel bad, but you are starting to build momentum in your favor.

If you start doing what I say, eventually your self-esteem will start to come back. This is critical. Have you ever noticed how more women flirt with you when you’re already in a relationship than when you’re alone? What’s up with that? Women can feel the confidence. You don’t need it. You must have something if another girl wants to be with you. Women can feel the confidence and are attracted to it.

The only thing your ex needs to know right now is that you’re doing just fine without her and that you wish her well. Do not come strong and start contacting her.

You are slowly beginning to turn the psychological tables in your favor. This is due to the scarcity principle. You want what you can’t have. There it is again. Maybe your ex will start “bumping into” you more often. Be a little nicer. Or he starts asking about you when talking to your friends.

Here is the real secret…

The last step is tricky. You’re going to have to walk a fine line. You want to be available but not pushy in any way. Keep your poise, exude confidence, but still acknowledge it. If you play your cards right you won’t have to make the first move. Try to create some opportunities for some contact without letting him know or make it obvious that you are interested in getting back together. Having mutual friends can really help here.

Most relationships can be saved, but most people screw it up during the emotional breakup. Most people make these critical mistakes. The good news is that you are seeking knowledge and you don’t have to make these mistakes.

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