Uveitis (Iritis) Explained

Uveitis is defined as inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of the eye. This consists of 3 structures the iris, ciliary body and choroid. Inflammation that occurs in any of these structures is called uveitis. Inflammation of the Iris is called Iritis.

Iritis is an autoimmune disease whose symptoms can include eye redness, sensitivity to light, floaters, blurred vision, and pain.
Treatment for iritis may include steroid drops, injections, or pills, as well as eye drops to dilate the pupil and reduce pain.

An attack of iritis can occur unexpectedly and can be linked to a host of conditions including autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, lupus, Lyme disease, Crohn’s disease, colitis, to name just a few. However, in most cases of iritis, the cause is still unknown and doctors can only test the above to rule out any significance.

Prevention of iritis is impossible to pinpoint as no one knows why people have recurring attacks at certain times. However, there is scientific evidence that stress may be a key factor.

Side effects of taking steroid drops can be increased pressure in the eye above normal levels. Your Ophthalmologist will measure the pressure in your eye to find out if it is normal. Complications can arise from high blood pressure, such as glaucoma, cataracts, or the formation of new blood vessels.

My story

I was diagnosed with iritis 5 years ago. Random attacks plagued me, resulting in severe pain around the eyes, photosensitivity, ‘red eyes’, debilitating fatigue, and malaise. My eyes became addicted to the steroid drops they prescribed and every time I tried to stop the drops, another attack would occur.

Frustrated by the lack of support from doctors who couldn’t diagnose an underlying cause, I felt I had no choice but to investigate the matter myself.

After much research, I was lucky enough to find a Naturopath (a person who practices naturopathy, a natural remedy therapy, looking at the body as a whole to treat the underlying cause of illness) who specialized in Iritis; They worked under the premise that most itis conditions are related in some way to a toxic gut.

I had numerous blood tests that diagnosed an unbalanced endocrine system, extremely low cortisol levels, and under-functioning adrenal glands. I also endured a complete dental cleaning (I had a lot of mercury-based fillings), followed by chelation (removal of heavy metals from the body).
Over the last few years I have been constantly cleansing my system of parasites, fungus (Candida) and other harmful pathogens; maintained a healthy low GI diet; he consumed numerous herbal tinctures, vitamins, and detoxification products. I have practiced yoga, received massages, Acupuncture and Reiki to combat stress and reduced high impact exercise.

To conclude, I believe the underlying cause of my Iritis was systemic mercury toxicity causing acute Candida; unbalanced hormonal activity, toxic gut, leaky gut, and a tense, stressed body all contributed to inflammation.

I am not cured, but I feel much improved. I am gradually weaning myself off steroid drops and feel like I have finally overcome this debilitating disease. Through all my research I now understand how my body works and treat it with the respect it deserves; overcoming my iritis anxiety, I am no longer afraid of the next attack.

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