Most marketers and copywriters who enjoy little success instantly become “unemployed.” After thinking for yourself, after taking responsibility for your success or failure, after fully consciously engaging the world and experiencing the thrill of living large … you’re worth nothing to a boss. He cannot use anyone who thinks for himself.

Are you haunted by doubt?

That voice you hear, the one that knocks you down, sticks a knife in your stomach and highlights your worst fears, it’s ONLY ONE VOICE. In psychoanalytic talk, it’s your “Super Ego” … the voice of the scolding parents, the one who doubts your abilities, the whiny little bastard hell-bent on keeping you depressed.

And it can be shipped easily packed.

Most people allow others to rule their lives. Rules, bad advice, and shady experiences dating back to childhood somehow become “as is” … and regardless of any proof to the contrary, they will obey that voice until they die.

And yet, all you have to do … is recognize the voice (“Yes, I hear you, little coward”), realize that it is not your friend … and lock it in a dungeon deep within Your brain where I can’t hear it anymore

I speak from experience on this subject. I was ruled by The Voice Of Doom for the first half of my life. I didn’t even try to take responsibility for my success, because The Voice told me it was useless. That he was desperate. That fate had nothing but failure in store for me.

Then, I realized that La Voz was full of garbage. I tried it, slowly at first, setting a goal outside of The Voice warnings … and then I succeeded. And then do it again.

It’s like a superstition. He used to be the most superstitious guy you’ve ever met. Literally my life was dominated by superstitions.

Then one day, I decided to see how real those superstitions were. So I raped each and every one of them. By the way. If he had previously thought that some action was “bad luck”, he would do it, blatantly, just to see what kind of bad luck occurred.

And, of course, bad luck never appeared.

The human brain is full of junk like this. Superstitions, bad rules, silly beliefs, unfounded fears, and ridiculous feelings of guilt and shame.

Especially guilt and shame.

Do you know what a fully functioning adult does? They don’t approach life believing that it should be a certain way, or they wish life were a certain way.

No. They engage with life as it is. You make your own luck. Rules sometimes make sense, but they deserve to be broken when they are clearly stupid. Belief systems often have nothing to do with reality. (You can “believe” that you’re going to win the lottery with all your heart and soul … and it won’t change reality one bit).

Fear is a natural part of our defense system … and it can spiral out of control in modern times.

Therefore, you must dig deeper and know your fears. Some are fine, don’t walk down that dark alley if you are not prepared to deal with the things that go on in dark alleyways.

Others are bullshit – you had a bad experience once when you were 12, so what? Get over it, put on your Big Boy Pants and get involved in life again.

And shame? Guilt and shame are useless. On the road of life, feeling guilty about something is like setting up camp and refusing to move or progress further.

Instead, try “repent” – acknowledge when you’ve done something wrong, clean up the mess, fix what you’ve broken as best you can, and make amends for the people you’ve hurt.

And don’t “promise” to do better next time.

Instead, DO something to change your behavior or habits. The promises are empty. Action is the only way to move through life in a positive way.

Don’t promise to do better. Just make it better. This will likely involve learning something new: a new skill, a new way of dealing with life, a new set of behaviors.

Doing this will also set you apart from most people.

The modern Renaissance man or woman is an astonishing thing to behold. As the rest of the world sinks more and more into a sleeping zombie state (indoctrinated, tricked, manipulated and played on), you have the option to become MORE aware, more awake, more alert, and ready to live life with enthusiasm.

However, no one will force you to do this.

As a marketer and copywriter, if you want to join the Party of Life, you have to stand up and earn a seat at the table. You will not be invited to enter. You will not trip by accident or by a stroke of luck.

No. You must take responsibility for your own life … find out what you want … and then go get it.

It’s a daunting task for most people … too daunting to even contemplate.

However, for the few who know what they want … it’s all just a matter of movement and action.

Yes, it can be scary. Life is scary sometimes.

It is also worth living, for many people, when you pursue it with all your heart.

There are no replays of this game. There are no second tickets for the trip.

You are allowed to sleep through everything. Most people do.

If that’s not good enough for you anymore, then welcome to the rarefied air of the entrepreneurial world.

It’s fun, exciting, scary, and there’s no safety net under you.

I wouldn’t do it any other way.

He put you to sleep, didn’t he?

Okay, my work is done here.

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