I can’t begin to count the number of times a student has told me they don’t have time for a daily yoga practice. They tend to start with “I really can’t find an extra hour in my day.” Then they keep telling me that they can’t remember enough poses to practice on their own. So, they come to class once a week and consider it enough.

Practicing yoga once a week is wonderful, but a daily practice is essential if you really want to see the benefits of your yoga practice.

Let’s start with the fallacy that you have to do an hour of yoga for it to count. Doing just five to ten minutes of yoga every day will add up to real long-term benefits. Everyone’s life is busy. But, we all have to set priorities. Why not wake up ten minutes earlier and do some yoga poses while you make your coffee? This will set the tone for your day and wake up your mind and body.

You really don’t have to know every yoga pose you’ve practiced in class to start your own yoga practice at home. Start with a pose. Pay close attention to that pose the next time you run into her in class. Then take it home and practice it every day. Next week, add another pose. After just a few months, you’ll know enough poses to have a full personal practice. It really is that easy!

Now that I’ve eliminated the top two excuses for not having a daily yoga practice, let’s talk about a few others I’ve heard. “I don’t have time to put on my yoga clothes just to practice for a few minutes.” So, don’t bother with your yoga clothes. Practice in your pajamas in the morning. Practice in your underwear when you change clothes after work. Practice in your comfortable clothes before you go to bed.

Another excuse is that the only free time they have is at work. So practice yoga in your desk chair! Here’s a very gentle set of neck stretches that can be done anywhere you can sit: at your desk, at the breakfast table, in the car (not while driving, please!), while waiting for the bus, you get the idea!

Begin by sitting comfortably in a chair with your feet planted firmly on the floor and your hands resting gently in your lap.

Inhale and lift your head up; she feels his ears move away from her shoulders. As she exhales, she allows her head to come forward, chin to chest. Rest in this pose for 5 to 15 breaths. Relax your shoulders, keep your back as straight as possible, and keep your mouth soft. Inhale as you bring your head back to your chin parallel to the floor position. Gently exhale.

Inhale and lift your head back up. As she exhales, she turns her head to look over her right shoulder. Keep your chin parallel to the ground and keep your shoulders low and relaxed. Rest in this pose for 5 to 15 breaths. Inhale as you return your head to a forward-facing position. Repeat the sequence on the left side.

Inhale and lift your head back up. As she exhales, she lowers her right ear to her right shoulder. Keep your shoulders down and relaxed, don’t force this! Be careful not to twist your neck, but keep your face fully forward. Rest in this pose for 5 to 15 breaths. Inhale as you bring your head back to your chin parallel to the floor position. Repeat the sequence on the left side.

It sounds simple, it really is! So stop making excuses and practice yoga. Your mind and body will thank you.

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