Baking for the holidays can be time-consuming and frustrating if you don’t have much time before the holidays arrive. Baking can be done some time before the holidays are coming up, all you have to do is put the baked goods in the freezer so they can be kept for a longer period of time. Unless you buy a fresh pie or cake, you can prepare them for baking pies in the freezer section of your local grocery store. These cakes don’t get freezer burn and after baking they taste just like a homemade cake fresh out of the oven. Kids love to help out in the kitchen, especially around the holidays, so why not make something they can help out with? This way they can brag that they made the treats for the holidays.

Cookies are perhaps the best thing kids can make because they’re so easy and cleaning them up isn’t that hard once the kids are done helping. Sugar cookies are the easiest to make and the receipt is not that difficult to make. After the dough is made, you can give the kids a rolling pin to roll the dough out flat so you can then make cookies with the cookie cutters. The kids will most likely eat some of the dough, but after all that, let them put the cookies they’ve made on the cookie sheet, and then put the cookies in the oven to bake.

After the cookies chill for a while, now is the time for the kids to get a good sugar rush. You have to decorate the cookies with the powdered sugar icing you made. Frosting is just powdered sugar and a little milk mixed together to make a spreadable paste for the cookies. You can color the frosting with food coloring that you can get at any local grocery store. With all the different combinations the kids can come up with, no cookie will ever look the same. At least all the cookies will taste the same.

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