Looking for Hypnosis Smoking Cessation Practitioners Ohio? We did some of the research for you. Our goal, over the last few months, has been to accumulate resources for people who want to quit smoking. We know from personal experience how difficult it can be to quit smoking. It shouldn’t be hard to find help.

If you type the words “stop smoking hypnosis Ohio” into your web search box, you may be surprised and frustrated by the results. Even with quotes, the number one result is a site that sells nicotine patches. They do not offer hypnosis or information on hypnosis for smoking cessation and are not located in Ohio. You may be wondering what is going on with search engines, but this is not really an article about Internet search engine failures. These are the current options for people who want to quit smoking.

nicotine replacement

As mentioned above, a company that sells nicotine patches came up in the number one position when I recently typed the phrase: hypnosis, stop smoking Ohio, in quotes. Nicotine patches and gum are examples of nicotine replacement therapies. They are available without a prescription. Inhalers and other forms of nicotine replacement are available by prescription.

Nicotine replacement is designed to stop or reduce your cravings for nicotine, an addictive compound that enters the body from smoking cigarettes and cigars, as well as from chewing and smokeless tobacco. Quitting smoking is difficult for two reasons. First, there is the physical addiction to nicotine. Second, smoking and tobacco use is a habit. Nicotine replacement therapies address physical addiction. It’s up to you to find ways to change clothes.

It is not safe to continue smoking while using a patch or other form of nicotine replacement. A nicotine overdose can occur, causing nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, and even death. Nicotine is one of the deadliest poisons. If you use the patches, you must read the instructions carefully and dispose of the used patches correctly. They can be toxic to your pets and children.

prescription drugs

The second result of my web search for stop smoking hypnosis providers in Ohio provided a link to a site where I can order prescription drugs online. How convenient. There are currently two FDA-approved prescription drugs for smoking cessation. Brand names are Zyban and Chantix.

Zyban is now available in generic form, under the name Bupropion. Chantix is ​​newer and is not currently available in generic form. Neither drug contains nicotine. In fact, they contain a compound that partially blocks the brain’s ability to respond to nicotine, thereby diminishing the pleasurable feelings that accompany tobacco use and hopefully reducing a person’s desire to smoke.

Some studies have shown that Chantix is ​​more effective than Zyban. Others conclude that the drugs are almost the same. Combining counseling and medication support programs increases a person’s chances of quitting. Combining nicotine replacement with either medication does not seem to improve a person’s chances. Both drugs have side effects ranging from nausea to tremors and an increased risk of seizures with Zyban.

Hypnosis Quit Smoking Ohio

To find providers in Ohio, I finally gave up the search engines and went to the yellow pages. I needed a city, so I chose Dayton. It turns out that there are several practitioners in Dayton and Kettering. Below are tips from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine for choosing a doctor.

First choose a therapist who provides hypnosis for other conditions. A therapist who only runs a smoking cessation clinic is less likely to be qualified to provide hypnosis. Although hypnotism is generally considered safe, a therapist should be able to assess your general health before beginning treatment.

Second, compare rates. Call several therapists, ask about their fees, and compare charges. You are looking for commonly charged rates, not necessarily the lowest or the highest. Very low could mean very low qualified.

Third, discuss it with your doctor. He or she may know someone who is well qualified. Studies have shown that hypnosis is 40% effective for those who want to quit smoking. Most people were able to quit after the first visit.

Self-hypnosis plans are also available. They are usually less expensive and can be just as effective. So, if you’re looking for quit smoking hypnosis providers in Ohio, but can’t find one in your area, you can still try one, in the privacy of your own home. To learn more about your options, visit the Stop Smoking blog, a resource for those who want to quit, written by those who have already quit.

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