Tired of playing the same champion with the same build game after game? Do you get sick and tired when people harass you over and over again for wanting to try and play a champion in a new and unique way? Well, I have some tips for you that will help you overcome aggression and hostility from other players and allow you to try to employ a style of play that is unique to the world of League of Legends.

I’ll use champion Corki as my best example. Corki is most commonly played as an AD (attack damage) champion. He is played bot lane with a support champion and the idea is to farm him by killing minions until you can buy items that allow you to deal enough damage to other champions to be a threat.

Corki now has some unique properties that allow him to be a very versatile champion. He first has a tremendous escape with his ability W. This ability essentially negates almost all enemy ganks, as long as you keep an eye on the map and are prepared to take evasive maneuvers at a moment’s notice. Second, he has powerful caster abilities that allow him to deal significant damage in addition to his basic attacks.

Since Corki has such a strong ability and escape potential, the new way to build him is to make him an ability power champion. Along with this build you should try to play mid lane so you can have another champion build attack damage to have a balancing team. Once in the mid lane, you simply need to farm to level six when you get Corki’s rocket ability. From here you’ll have built a chalice so you don’t run out of mana quickly and can effectively harass your opposing champion from a safe distance while dealing significant damage. If the jungler closes in for an ambush, don’t despair, just use his escape move and take cover under his turret.

This is just one example of how you can use a champion in a different way and still make it very effective and viable. There are a huge number of champions to choose from, so you should definitely try something different. Don’t let other summoners stop you, the game was designed for people to have fun. If the game becomes mundane it stops being fun. So try something new today!

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